Posts in Category: big 12 championship tickets

Welcome to the new Big 12

With all the talk of super conferences flying about last week it seems all ended in a whimper.  No big super conferences came to be with Nebraska and Colorado leaving the ten teams stay the same and the Big 12 is alive for right now.  You’re asking “right now” what

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Kansas City Concert Tickets

Experienced the Sprint Center yet? The new arena in downtown Kansas City has many different things to offer you. Take your large group or that special someone and experience a show or game like you never have before! Get those Big 12 basketball tickets or Sprint Center concert tickets at

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Big 12? Big JOKE.

Just sit back and laugh folks. What a funny joke we have here.
The Big 12, or what once was, is all but over. Lets face the facts. Although stories are flying out the roof with who plans to go where, the destuction of this conference is NOT about people,

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What will happen to the Big 12?

Being avid Nebraska Cornhusker fan I am eagerly waiting to see what happens to the Big 12.  My thought is that Nebraska and Missouri will join the Big 10.  Then what would go on with the other 10 schools?  It will interesting to see what happens with Texas as they

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